Thursday, June 22, 2006

Winning Weight Loss Strategies

6 Ok, Time to take control of your favourite foods.

Don’t let your favourite foods prevent you from being your favourite size.

You are well aware of those wonderful foods you just looooooooove to eat?
What are your favourites?
Are any of them a problem for you when it’s a question of your weight?
Can you use another method of handling your favourites?

Look it’s not about not eating your favourite food. Eat for heavens sake but not whenever or in unlimited amounts. Smarten up with your eating!

You have two alternatives:

A Keep your favourite food and why not? But make sure that you have control not the food.

You need to find a way to limit yourself as to how often and much you eat each time.

You also need to ensure that it’s not easily accessible. Otherwise you will easily fall in to the it’s there so I’ll eat it trap.

So make sure that you don’t keep it at home in the pantry. If the others in the family eat the same tell them not to leave the temptation lying around the kitchen.

The more you see the ice cream or the bag of crisps, the more difficult to keep control.

  • Eat your favourite food on special occasions only. On your birthday or when you are invited. When you go to a restaurant. On Saturdays only. The upside is you appreciate your favourite more when you’re not eating it so often.

  • Buy smaller packs. Giant bags of chips, or gallons of ice cream. Oh it was reduced price. To hell with the reduced price. It's cheaper with one portion of expensive ice-cream than a gallon on sales. Keep the cookies at work (not by your desk, make it difficult to get to them) and bring a couple with you home to eat after dinner- I know, it might sound a bit silly, make sure it works for you.
  • Get the support from your family. Tell your family never to leave tempting food around. The more you see it the harder it will be to resist it.

B comes into play when you recognise that it is always the (chocolate, pasta with cheese sauce, ice cream or fries) that stop you from keeping the weight down and off.

Alternative A isn’t an alternative at al for you.

When you have finally made a decision you will be well surprised at how simple it all is.

You don’t need to count the calories or eat small portions- of all the food in the world there are only two or three things that you shouldn’t eat.

  • Make the decision that you don’t eat THAT” even in mini portions.

  • Refuse to feel sorry for yourself. There are loads of other foods you can eat so what does it matter what you have to distance yourself from? Tell yourself you are allergic to it or just tell yourself “this doesn’t do it for me”. Don’t pull the old I deserve a treat if that thought enters your head. Start thinking I deserve to be a size …

  • Avoid the temptations. Don’t look in the ice cream department. Don’t drool over others big Mac with double fries.

7 Don't feel ashamed. Learn from your mistakes.

There is one thing that is absolutely forbidden:

If you want to succeed in losing weight, never never ever say “I blew it” or “I failed”.

If you want to loose weight and stay that way then you have to learn from your mistakes and go on. Don’t loose your enthusiasm and console yourself with a giant portion of sticky cake and cream washed down with a full cream latte.

Just ask “What went wrong there? How can I do it better next time?”

(Treat life the same way)

Now if you have absolutely made a complete dunce of yourself and eaten loads of what you really shouldn’t have. Then immediately go into the twenty four hour treatment. Immediately. Secrets on weight loss...

The twenty four hour remedy:

1 Stop blaming yourself.
You are only human after all.Yeh ok it was wrong. But it’s not the end of the world is it?

2 Don’t give up and sigh what you know you mustn’t say. Don’t push the double milk shake down just because you think you have failed. Stop there you have the twenty four hour remedy to help.

3 Immediately make a strategy for the rest of the day. What are you going to eat the rest of the day? Force yourself to write a menu. Choose only the food that you like and that is hopefully healthy.

Don’t hop over meals don’t even reduce the amount a little just to get out weigh your over eating. In fact don’t bother just carry on as if it hadn’t happened.

4 Write down what you are going to eat tomorrow. Make sure you have the ingredients at home.

5 Give yourself a short mental lesson before the next confrontation with the type of food you have just indulged in.

Think about how you are going to feel and think and what you answer for example when you smell the pizza. Hmm it smells great. I can see that tasty pizza.

Tell yourself, it doesn’t do it for me to eat pizza. That’s whets made me overweight. Say it until your reply ability is dead tired of it. The brain reacts by being tired of the sight and smell s that tempt you.

6 Stick to the menu!

7 When you wake up next day be aware that your taste buds are now in overdrive. When they start shouting out after sugar or fast carbs let them. That is your hang over.

8 Start the day with 15-20 minutes exercise. That will strengthen you at least physically.

9 Go through your eating plan for today. Make sure that it’s food you really like so that you don’t go through PMS “poor me syndrome”

10 Important. Don’t under eat. It’s important to regain control don’t be afraid if the scales show a kilo or two extra. If you ate extra carbs and salt it will be soaked in water by the body. It will disappear.

11 Eat an extra main meal. Eat four main meals plus an in-between instead of the usual three plus. Have it when you need it most usually late afternoon.

12 Don’t go shopping for food.

13 Keep busy. Meet friends. Go to the pictures, think of other things than food...

24 hours has gone and your back on track. Well done

8 Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

If you want to loose weight it’s not enough just to change your eating habits. You have to change the way you think. Get your mind right!

It is essential if you want to loose weight and keep it off that you learn to think differently.

It wont work if you start to feel sorry for yourself.

"Poor me I don’t want to starve myself to death. I can't chomp as much as I want.
I have to stay away from French fries, cream, chocolate and jummy cakes."

It won't work either if you are continually comparing yourself to others. "How is it she can eat all those cakes and not put on weight? How come he can eat a whole sirloin, fries and béarnaise sauce and never get fat?"

This is about YOU and your life and your body. What do you think is more important to get to eat without restrictions or to be really bloody healthy and have a body and soul you are happy and can live with? Your choice!

Talk to yourself like this, instead of defending your habit. I have been eating like this for so many years and it hasn’t made me happier only fatter.

Quick fix for the craving
  • Take a throat lozenge of menthol and eucalyptus. Within five minutes it’s taken hold of your taste buds and the smell of pizza is far less attractive.

  • Don’t go hungry. Eat at least every third or fourth hour. The bodies “eat immune” defence keeps the unwanted temptations away.

Make sure you get the most from your calorie budget

Lets get something straight from the start. You can not continue to eat what you want and as much as you want, stay happy, healthy and keep the body size you would like!

That’s a fact and make sure you take it in.

Food is like money. You have a limited budget and it’s important that you get as much as possible from the resources available.

You may choose to throw your calorie budget at fast food and quick kicks.

Or you can use your calorie budget wisely to get all you need to feel great, look fabulous, and get the luxurious benefits with the perceived value for money.

Try this;

  • Look for food that has few calories but lots of taste.

  • Look for nutrition that burns more fat than others.

  • Find a healthy alternative to your favourite food.

  • Avoid the food and the habits that continually bust your budget.

Great Budget tips

1. Choose food that burns lots of fat. All food contains calories but during digestion they also burn calories. Lean meat needs more calories to digest than it contains. Give priority to fish, egg whites, fibre and crustaceans...Read the book "Negative Calories" and learn how you can loose weight by eating. It gives you tasty and simple recipes to help you reach your goal weight and maintain it.

2. Prioritise food that makes the fat cells work harder. Dairy products and cinnamon.

3. Find tasty replacements. More often than not you can find products that taste just as good and often better. Take the time to find them.

4. Eat food that gives a feeling of being full. Fish and crustaceans are in first place followed closely by boiled potatoes.

5. Go for grapefruit and pineapple. Science has no idea why but it’s clear that these two fruits eaten regularly with the rest of your diet greatly assist in weight reduction.

10 Remember the past but keep your weight in the future.

Loosing weight is the easy bit. Keeping it off is the difficult bit. This is the bit where you learn success.

When you are trying to loose weight it’s a dilemma. In the beginning, you feel lousy. You are not at all happy with your body. Then you start to drop a few pounds (kilos), the compliments start coming in. You feel satisfied. At last you have succeeded.

You have reached your target weight and you don’t need to loose any more. You start to be used to your mirror image. No compliments about how fresh and slim you look any more, people are used to you. This is when it starts to get difficult.

This is when it’s so easy to let it all slip and get back to your old ways.

Make sure that the way there was worth the effort. It’s a life long process. Get the secret of the "Tibetan Rites" to help you on the way!

Understand that even if you've gotten rid of the weight your vulnerability is there. You still have the same weaknesses. It’s still easy to fall into your old ways.

Get rid of your old fat clothes. Sling them out now!

Give yourself an ideal weight. Because your weight always varies don’t worry about any change until you have increased your weight by 1.5 kilos and you’ve
kept it for three weeks or more. Now you need to act to get back. Need some extra help on the way?

Weigh yourself on the "Hold my weight scales"
Ask yourself once a week the following questions:

1. Have I started to eat food or snacks that I ate too much of in the past?

2. Am I loosing my grip on the strategies of how I live and plan?

3. Have I started to eat too much of the good food?

4. Have I started picking again?

5. Do I still weigh myself as often as I should?

6. Do I have problem food at home?

7. Have I started to hop over meals. Do I go more tan four hours without eating/

8. Are my clothes feeling tight?

9. Do I allow my feelings to rule how I eat?

10. Do I not bother with exercise?

Good Luck!

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