You have to know and you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be overweight would you, that there is food out there that you can scoff to your hearts content. Food that consumes more calories to digest than it contains!
Here's an example, to eat a piece of apple pie containing 350 calories takes 100 calories to burn. Result you have taken in 250 calories more than you needed. Stored as fat! An apple, Ok it’s not quite as tasty as pie, contains 65 calories and takes 100 calories to burn, result 35 calories of your fat is needed to burn an apple! Makes sense doesn't it? Learn how to turn your body into a fat burning machine by eating.
We have been brainwashed into believing that to have a healthy diet is about cutting out fat and eating like a rabbit. And it is just not true!
First of all your body needs fat to burn fat, but it's all about eating the "right" type of fat. Don't believe that a pack of bacon is going to do you any good!!! The fat you find in nuts, olives and fish for example will actually burn some of your stored fat for you, great isn't it. Secrets on fat burning foods...
The second mistake people make is that they don't eat enough. When you start to cut down on meals your body goes into starvation prevention mode. Everything you eat gets stored as fat instead of being converted into energy and the body starts to use the goodness in your muscles. Ever wondered why you feel weak when dieting? It's just the body trying to preserve energy because you have cut off the supply of nutrition. Trying to survive! In plain straight forward language the metabolism slows right down 'cause it aint got enough fuel!
You feel lousy which is why you get straight back to your old fat happy ways. You’re fat but not starving. Then the heart problems start. You can't manage to make love. Your partner doesn't find you attractive anymore. The kids irritate you. You can't be bothered to walk to the shops. You sit in front of the TV watching Oprah along with all the other fatties doing the same thing. Oh I can't be bothered. I've tried dieting before and I just can't loose weight. It’s in my genes.
Wrong! It's in your jeans. If you can find jeans to fit you. Now, you've recognised the symptoms. Time to do something about it! How about loosing 14pounds in 7 days simply by eating?
Believe me it is possible and easy when you know how. Get the help you need from The Negative Calorie Diet. A-book which you can simply down load in seconds and names over 100 foods to choose between, all burning fat instead of storing it. It will even stop the cravings for junk food, change your eating habits completely. No more Yo-Yo dieting, that's for sure. If you think you've tried everything and you still haven’t reached your goal then your doing the wrong things. You have to do it with good old common sense. The Negative Calorie Diet. Get going now! Stop procrastinating.
Good Luck!

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