Welcome to Fit n Fat.
I take it you are either one or the other? You may well be both but I doubt it. Whether you are sixteen or or seventy I can help you get into shape.
If you want to be a fighter or a high profile athlete this is NOT for you. This is for those who are overweight, are not feeling to good about themselves. For those who need to get a new and fitter image, a little better self esteem and to look a little more confident.
However, as long as you WANT to do something about it you've come to the right place.
You know, keeping fit is a pretty subjective thing. What is acceptable to me just ain't acceptable to you.
I have no intention of running marathons or ultimate fighting. I certainly don’t want people to think I'm some silly old ditherer trying to chase my youth (you've seen them puffing and panting and holding their stomachs in as they run past some young girls).
I came to realise that while I was in my forties and fifties I could lie about my age, knock 10 -15 years off and could just about get away with it
Recently a young stud came up and asked me how old I was. I told him and he replied "wow I hope I look as good as you when I'm your age". I told him he didn't look this good now.
Listen, I am a well known "bon viveur" I exercise so I am fit enough to lead the life of the hedonist that I am.
I watch my diet. I love champagne, desserts and general sweet stuff. But as I said I am not running marathons. Have you ever seen these dithering old fools weighing in on the scales at about 50 kilos? They finish 3 or 4 hours after the rest and should have walked home half way through! Always with a vain but weak smile they cross the finish line. This is NOT fitness but madness.
It’s about looking the part and having great self esteem! The other benefits are of course that you will have much lower blood pressure.
No heavy weights. If you want to be a body builder then the Gym is the ONLY place!
The power lifters are doubled over with muscles that have bulked up and contracted.Which is why they walk so awkwardly.
I would like to show you how to get into great shape and stay that way without killing yourself with exercise. You are of course going to have to do some exercise ,you know that.
I am going to show you how you can have great posture, vibrant skin and feel wonderful well beyond expectations. But within reason. No miracles OK?
Let’s just get one thing straight. It does not happen over night! You will have adapt your diet and there are some great programmes around so have a look.
Then get off your arse at least every second day, go for an early morning walk for between 45-60 minutes at a reasonable pace. If you can manage every day all the better.
So get in your car and measure a course of about 5 - 6 kilometers (3 - 4 miles) that leads back to your home. Try to make it a pleasant course. No looking in the shops !
But and remember something, this costs you NOTHING! I am going to take you through this for free. Alltruistically. My reward will be you writing to thank me. Imagine how good I'm going to feel. It's about my ego. Please help support it.
For the men, all I want you to do is go and buy two lots of light weights. So get on an order these, 2 hand dumbells of 4 kilos each and 2 hand dumbells of 8 kilos each. It wont cost a fortune either. That’s ALL you are going to need!
For the ladies, 2 hand dumbells of 1 kilo each and 2 hand dunbells of 4 kilos each. That is all you will need!
If you have some scales in your bathroom all the better you can keep a check on your progress too.
I assume you have a pair of cross trainers? If you can afford them, get them!
So all the money you save on gym membership you can spend on you.'Cause you are going to need some new clothes soon aren’t you?
The only other request I have of you is that you cut down a bit on alcohol . Preferably completely for at least a month. Alcohol and the periferals of alcohol are the number one source of weight gain ( other than blatant gluttony). If you smoke, well you know you bloody shouldn't. Try and stop. You won’t get out of breath so easily. Dont say "I've given up" when people offer you a gasper! Tell them "I dont smoke would you mind not either". Although it will take a day or two to clear your lungs out, you will look and feel better every day. For a few days you will feel bloody terrible .Avoid loved ones 'cause they will irritate the hell out of you while your withdrawal symtoms are on the go. But, after those first two or three days,your skin will get better and those eyes will start to feel and look better. You breathe better. It just gets better and better. See the improvement in your sex life too. Obvious isn't it? After a month you look and feel better. You can manage more. You are now starting to look and feel attractive. You are now giving off signals that say HERE I AM !
Don’t fret there is no major or radical dieting, just a bit more sensible eating and drinking. A form of diet I guess. Just a few changes. We are not going to ruin your taste buds or leave you with massive cravings. Although the cigs may be difficult for a while.
Just watch your self esteem improve after about 5-6 weeks. Wait and see your friends’ reactions and amazement.
Remember I don’t want anything from you other than your trust in what I have to tell you.
Stay with me I will post our exercises and progress on this blog every few days. If this doesnt make sense then God help you.
Hang In.
We start soon when we have got our equipment ready. Don’t worry if you miss a bit we won’t be doing anything that we can’t repeat. Several exercises in sets at home and while your walking.
Check in your weight and picture if you want so I can keep progress on you.
Try and get your partner or your friends to take part. The disadvantage of course is that they get to look as good as you.
It’s not dead easy and needs a little effort but it wont kill you.
At 186 cmm tall (six feet one inch) I weighed in at 110 kilos (ca 230 lbs) only three months ago. Today I weigh in at eighty six kilos and that includes the muscle.
Now don’t think I am new to this because I’m not. I had just let myself go. Recognise yourself. Get off your arse and lets start.
Just one other thing please don’t lie to me or yourself. If you have a weak moment …so what! Just don’t have them all the time ok? See you very soon.
(I'm getting back to all the goodies and gadgets that Firefox have given me. What a fantastic and speedy easy system. You should get it.)
Ray Leigh / "The Baldchemist"
PS If you are extremely overweight ( twenty five kilos or more than you should be) take it easy. Go and see your doctor and tell him you are going to start to do something about your weight. If you are obese, ( more than twenty five kilos overweight) it may take a year to loose forty kilos. So talk with your doctor.

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