Well, as most of you that follow my fight against the flab are aware, I had a relapse into my old habits. I have now officially become a recovering fatty. So although its not ok to go off the rails-shit happens and you must deal with it quickly.
It is important to acknowledge that you are fat and deal with it. My friends who say " go on twenty beers won't hurt you" and "three bits of cream cake are ok" are deluding themselves.
One of the essentials to feeling really good about yourself is to acquire obese and fat friends to hang around with.
But lets get back to my recovery. This blog is after all about ME!
After a few nights and days of excess holidaying, visitors from Australia, Sweden and England with no other motives than to indulge away from prying eyes of their neighbours back home using me as an excuse for their weaknesses, I ploughed the kilos on!
Seven weeks ago I weighed in at 95 Kilos( 210 pounds for our overweight American followers).
Today,and a little thank you to Simon Coldicott from Baansijan Resort and Spa for being my fitness buddy, and still is, ( you can catch up on www.baansijanresort.com) I am extremely proud to announce that my weight is EIGHTY THREE KILOS!
That is 12 kilos or 27 pounds in 7 weeks. No starving diets but an hour and a half of work out every second day.
No heavy weights. The heaviest weights were two 18 kilo dumbells during the last 2 weeks. What did we do?
Loads of repetitions (100) consisting of 8 different exercises which I will go over with you later this week, with pictures.
Judge for yourselves from the picture. I don't have any before pics( too ashamed).
Before you say "yeh photoshop" I will be only kidding myself if I do that.
So, I hope you are inspired enough to get off your bums and get active- NOW!
See you all soon.